Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Woman's Right

To say that abortion should be legalized is to imply that there is something inherently wrong with it that made it illegal to begin with. Abortion should just be; women that opt for this choice are already devastated enough in order for them to have to go through legal troubles about it. The concept of making abortion illegal is simply idiotic. Whether a woman is raped or simply got pregnant by accident makes no difference whatsoever; it is always better to have an abortion than a battered kid. It is amazing that California is still trying to pass laws restricting abortions for women; proposition four would require under 17 year old girls having an abortion to notify the parents. What good would this be? A 17 year old who does not want to notify her parents about such a scary, life changing decision must have some good reasons not want to tell in the first place. Like I said, if she made the choice to abort she does not need the added stress of what her parents are going to do to her and the repercussions its going to have. Furthermore, the law was made in hopes to have the parents change the girl's mind from having an abortion. This is manipulative and plainly wrong. Abortion should be decriminalized fully in ALL states.

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