Saturday, November 15, 2008

Argentina: forgotten country

The international media has done a poor job covering the news from Latin America, especially Argentina. Having been born there, I feel a personal connection to this country. I follow the news coming out of the country daily, and I can decisively say that the U.S should be taking a better look at the things that are going on down there. Argentina's president is currently involved in a corruption scandal where one of Hugo Chavez's allies flew a suitcase full of money into the country allegedly to finance the president's recent elections. Cristina Kirchner, the president, has been strongly relying on Hugo Chavez financially and politically, something that should worry the U.S more than it has. Her current policies include a government take over of the social security providers which are private in Argentina and a huge tax on Argentina's farmers, the backbone of the economy. The U.S should be looking to build strong alliances with Argentina and the rest of Latin America because by neglecting them they are setting themselves up for a possible showdown in the near future.

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