Sunday, November 9, 2008

Jeremiah Wright

Did we give Obama a free pass when it comes to Jeremiah Wright? After all, this was the same man that wed and baptized his children. It is hard to believe that Obama has never heard similar if not the same type of rhetoric from Wright in years past, but my issue here is not whether Obama should have been elected because of his relation to Wright. I believe that even if we knew for a fact that Obama knew this side of Wright all along that it does not make him some sort of radical nut or unfit to be president. It is a bit shocking but he is still the right man for the job. My issue is whether the media has given him a free pass or not. After all, if this was a white candidate speaking of the black man and his evil ways, it would have certainly been enough to ruin all chances of him getting elected into ANY type of office, let alone the presidency. This double standard cannot be justified in terms of the past and the suffering of the black community; it is narrow minded and ignorant. The media should have done a better job at scrutinizing Obama for being associated with Wright, and although Obama's race speech (which I will attach in a video below) was quite eloquent and very true, it does not justify him looking up to such a bitter man.

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