Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Afghanistan:The forgotten war

Afghanistan went from being the target of the war on terror to being ignored after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This is the country that harbored and trained Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda network in the years leading up to the September 11 attacks on American soil. But we have poured all of our resources, including soldiers, money and weapons into a pointless war in Iraq rather than focusing on the real deal. Osama Bin Laden, once cornered by U.S troops in the Tora Bora mountain range, is free to roam about the Middle East with impunity. We can only hope that Barack Obama will keep his word and divert the resources wasted in Iraq into Afghanistan so we can crush the oppressive Taliban once and for all and bring Osama Bin Laden to justice for his crimes.

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