Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tuition Hikes? Yikes!

Is education seriously the first thing that the Governator can think of cutting in a budget crunch? Makes no sense. After all, an educated populace is the very fabric of a prosperous nation. Tuition rates for UC's have gone up at least 3 times since I started school 2 years ago, which is simply ridiculous. It has become very expensive and for many like myself who do not have the luxury of getting financial aid for whatever motive it may be it has caused them to think of dropping out. Simply outrageous. Cut the budget for universities, raise fees, and cut the number of freshman admissions. I cannot even begin to express how disillusioned I am with this. There has to be a better way. Higher taxes on something? Cutting something else? Anything but education! After all, current college students are the people that will be running this country in 10 years, so lets give them a hand so we do not end up with more W's!

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