Thursday, November 13, 2008

Russia : the cold war never ends

The United States and Russia seem like a dog and a cat: they simply cannot get along. The U.S has been pretty insensitive by pushing aggressively to deploy its arrow missile system in Eastern Europe. This clearly pissed Russia off and made it feel as vulnerable as it felt during the Cold War, creating all sorts of heated word exchanges between both countries. Russia has had its own share of fault in creating a hostile environment when it comes to relations with its arch-rival: it has been allegedly involved in shady acts against the Ukrainian "orange" party by poisoning the presidential candidate at the time and by killing an ex KGB agent in London that was a critic of the Kremlin. Putin has been acting much like Stalin: a petty dictator. Russia's invasion of Georgia has not helped relations either. But the reality is that times have changed and the U.S and Russia are not as ideologically apart as these incidents make it seem. They could both be united against global terror since both countries have suffered bloody attacks perpetrated by Islamic radicals. Times have changed, and so should U.S - Russia relations.

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