Monday, November 10, 2008

Shalom Obama

As I and 99% of the polls predicted Obama was elected President of the United States of America. He has already started to designate his cabinet by assigning Rahm Emmanuel, a fellow Jew, as his Chief of Staff. Obama is trying to live up to his platform of change, and rumors have already started circulating about potential executive orders regarding the abolishment of Guantanamo Bay, an economic stimulus package part deux, universal health care, etc etc. In theory it all sounds astounding, but in reality it is dubious that a president could get all that accomplished within days or weeks of being elected to power. In that sense, I believe Obama has set himself up for failure by promising people more than the power of the presidency will allow him to deliver. Sure he could close Guantanamo Bay by executive order, but it might be met with fierce opposition from the Congressional Republicans which in turn may choose to boycott a potential universal health care plan. After all, the founding fathers ensured that passing national legislation be a slow process for a reason : they did not want to rest too much power in any one branch of government. I do believe that Obama will do his best to change the wrongdoings of the most incompetent administration this nation has ever seen, but to say that he will change Washington for good is pretentious. He will change Washington back to what it used to be, and perhaps bring along some changes of his own progressive mind, but things will not get too shaken up, not anytime soon anyway.

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