Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pakistan : the next frontline in the war on terror

The next front and arguably the newest current front in the so called war on terror will be Pakistan. With the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the only true moderate ally of the United States in Pakistan, the country's political future is very uncertain. Her husband, the current president, remains very skeptical of United States' incursions into Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, presumably where Osama Bin Laden is hiding. Although the situation is volatile, we are giving in to the terrorists demands that we do not invade the region in exchange for them not revolting around Pakistan. This is pretty much negotiating with terrorists; what we need to do is go in there with decisive and bold action and wipe out Bin Laden and his cronies once and for all. If they want to retaliate then we and Pakistan, if it is a true ally, will be standing by waiting for them. We have got to put a stop to the War on terror by taking bold action and hitting the terrorist where it hurts: their hideouts.

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