Sunday, November 2, 2008

John Edwards

This country is the leading producer of porn movies in the world. We have legalized marijuana in quite a few states, yet when it comes to getting caught in an affair while serving in public office all bets are off. Sure what Edwards did was not worthy of a pat in the back, but it was also no reason to completely crush his political image. He made a mistake and tried covering it up just like any other human in his same situation would do. But since he is in public office, we expect him to be some sort of moral super human who is immune to corruption and seduction and if he does anything to taint this perfect image then we are outraged and demand he step down. He is a man with a wife who is dying of cancer, and he has stood by her side during this whole time. She is in the range of death, he was in the range of success. It is not right, and it does not justify it, but we could cut him a break and be more understanding rather than burn him at the stake for a human mistake. I sincerely hope he bounces back and reclaims his success.

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