Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Health Care

Health care for all, once all are for health care. Polls show that most Americans are overwhelmingly in support of some sort of universal health care, so why has this outgoing administration not done anything about it? The short and the long answer: they are a bunch of crooks worried about filling their own pockets. However, with Obama elected president and a democratic congress in control of Capitol Hill, things are starting to look promising. Canada, the U.K, France and almost every developed nation in the globe offers its citizens free or inexpensive health care, but not us. It is a shame that we have gone so long before discourse on this topic began, but it has finally arrived. Obama's plan to offer health care to all children and force employers to give health care to their employees is a step in the right direction, but it should not be left there. All health care should be free of cost; there shouldn't be anyone profiting from other people's health needs and everyone should be covered equally and fully. Hopefully, once Obama assumes the Presidency it will be one of the first things he will deal with domestically.

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