Saturday, November 15, 2008

Elizabeth Dole

Playing Karl Rove politics, Elizabeth Dole, who was running as the incumbent senator of North Carolina, lost her re-election bid to democratic candidate Kay Hagan. During her campaign, Elizabeth Dole took on the form of Karl Rove and attempted to "swiftboat" her opponent by airing an ad in which she claimed that Kay Hagan accepted money from the "godless" atheists. First off, Kay Hagan is a Sunday school teacher. She has more background in religion that Dole for sure. Second off, so what if she did take money from atheists? Is there money somehow dirty? And what does god have to do with politics? Why is every fucking politician required to have a strong faith in order to serve this country? How does this affect someone's judgment and policies? It is ridiculous that we believe in this superstitions in the 21st century, but at least I am pleased to see that this attack totally backfired for Lizzy. Up yours, Lizz.

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