Tuesday, November 18, 2008


General Motors is going bankrupt and it's no one's fault but their own. American cars are in general gas guzzlers and built with extremely poor quality. They break down quite often and are not reliable whatsoever. Japanese cars on the other hand are built like rocks: my family has owned a Nissan Maxima since 1994 which has 200k+ miles on it and the only thing that has ever broken was the display for the radio (most likely the light bulb went out after years of use). GM and Chrysler have closed down factories in Flint, Michigan and moved them in search of greater profits over to Mexico where they pay the Mexicans less than half of what an American could make. Their CEO's fly in private jets and receive millions of dollars every year in bonuses, on top of their already millionaire salaries. It is this fiscal irresponsibility, the horrible quality of its cars, combined with an awful business plan that is strongly tied to big oil that has precipitated the automotive industry's fall. Bailing out GM would not get anything accomplished, not until they are willing to give Americans their jobs back, start building better cars, and stop wasting money on their inefficient CEO's that have got them in this trouble to begin with.

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