Thursday, November 20, 2008

Is blogging good for democracy?

Although I recently argued in front of the class that's requiring me to keep this blog that blogging was not good for democracy (I did not choose my side!), I must admit that it is my strong belief that this new form of communicating news can only strenghtned a democracy. A democracy is strong when people are informed and educated, and blogs exemplify both. While many of the information out there may be erroneous or out right lies, it makes it no different than watching the news on T.V or listening to talk radio. It is not the blog or the blogger's fault that the information out there may be biased or wrong, it is the readers responsibility to have critical thinking skills and be aware that not all that he/she is being fed (no matter what medium it is we are talking about) may be right. But blogging provides for a new convenient outlet to inform people, and even if this information is only 10% right, it is 10% of stuff that people would have other wise ignored. Plus, there are blogs that are quite professionally written and have oversight, which although it doesn't mean it may not be biased at least it gives you a sense that you are not being fed total bull.

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