Thursday, October 30, 2008

Randi Rhodes

I have to confess, Randi Rhodes is my first choice when it comes to getting the news. She is not afraid to say anything to anyone and says it eloquently in the worst type of way. But her image has been marred due to a recent scandal in which she calls Hillary Clinton a whore. This precipitated her being fired from Air America Radio, and I believe this was was a setback from freedom of speech. Before supporting Obama, I was a die hard Hillary fan (even more than Randi) and I found the comments to be in bad taste, if not offensive. But she had a right to say it and she should not be punished for having done it. It makes Randi who she is, a political animal. We ought to really asses the pros and cons before we decide to shun someone like we have Randi, John Edwards, and Elliot Spitzer and asks ourselves how is it that we are better than them? Because if we shun them for making human mistakes, we better be ready to become morally superior, super ethical humans or call ourselves hypocrites.

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