Thursday, October 30, 2008

Immigration reforms

It is unfortunate to see this country be purposely inefficient when it comes to solving the problem of illegal immigrants. Politicians and big corporations want the status quo to remain since it greatly benefits those in power, but the truth is that while worthless immigration bills are discussed in the U.S congress, thousands of people just like you and me are leaving everything they ever had behind in order to provide bread and water for their families and themselves. Immigration reform in this country has been slow and will continue to be until all responsible parties admit responsibility for their part in this dysfunctional vicious circle of corporate greed, exploitation, and remittances. Comprehensive immigration reform is possible, but for that to occur it is imperative that the Mexican government get rid of its corrupt ways, create the proper infrastructure and job opportunities that its people need, and start caring for its own citizens. On the U.S side, the government needs to put “free market” ideals aside and enact limitations on corporations and their dog eat dog capitalist ways that are responsible for the exploitation of millions of Mexicans in this country.

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