Thursday, October 9, 2008

Economic shamout

The bailout was passed with great fears that it would not be enough to prompt a recovery of wallstreet and to free up credit loans. Unfortunately, a week after it passed the house and senate those fears have come true. The fact of the matter is that the $700 billion is very much like trying to put a band aid on a patient who just had open heart surgery. It just won't do the trick. The economy is headed into a recession and some rough times await. The only way to solve this would have through strict regulations, or rather sound regulations. Did the credit companies not see this coming? Loaning more money than people could afford? Some may argue they may have seen it coming, profited from it, and saw a government intervention to save them when the sh**t hit the fan coming as well. After all, Washington is a good friend of wall street. In the end, the credit companies were irresponsible, profited immensely from sending the American (and global) economy down the drain, and what do they get as a punishment? 700 billion. Sounds like a deal to me. Washington lobbied for the bailout heavily, using fear tactics (such as calling it a second great depression) and made it seem like it was the only way out. The only way out? Perhaps for wall street. But 'mainstreet' is still unable to get a loan, prices keep rising and we keep losing jobs. So whether this bailout was designed to save wall street or the regular american worker remains to be seen.

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